abenturak erreserbatzea

Irudia Alt

Jarabacoa Buggy Baiguate Waterfall Double

Únase a nosotros y viaje con un experto local de Jarabacoa y obtenga la experiencia única de visitar los mejores lugares de la capital del ecoturismo a partir de Jarabacoa, este tour lo llevará a conocer el hermoso paisaje del rancho montañoso más grande de la República Dominicana. Mientras conduce por los diferentes lugares, sentirá el aire de la montaña y disfrutará de la belleza del campo. 
nAukeratu data para el Tour: 


Buggy - Buggies

Jarabacoa with Jimenoa and Baiguate Waterfalls


Jarabacoa buggy with Baiguate Waterfall Double


Ikuspegi orokorra

nJoin us and travel with a local expert from Jarabacoa and get the unique experience of visiting the best spots from the capital of ecotourism starting from Jarabacoa, this tour will take you around seeing the beautiful landscape of the largest mountain ranch of the Dominican Republic. As you drive around to the different locations you will feel the mountain air and enjoy the beauty of the countryside. 
nWe can get to the different locations for this tour. You’ll have the options: Biking, Horseback Riding, Safari, Four Wheels, or Buggy. Buy your ticket online now and let’s have fun learning about Jarabacoa and Dominican Republic culture as you travel around to the best locations of the town.
nJarabacoa is the city of the eternal spring break because of the weather and the second most important municipality from la Vega province. According to history, Jarabacoa means “place of much water”, On September 27, 1858, Jarabacoa began its life as a municipality, a category obtained after a career that came from the beginning of the 19th century. Travel with us and get to know more about the mountains, nature, culture, and people of the northern region of the Dominican Republic. 


  • Tasak barne
  • n

  • Bazkaria
  • n

  • Pintxoak
  • n

  • Tokiko Tour Guide ingelesez
  • n


Inklusioak eta bazterketak



  1. Bazkaria
  2. n

  3. Zerga, tasa eta kudeaketa-gastu guztiak
  4. n

  5. Tokiko zergak
  6. n

  7. Edariak
  8. n

  9. Pintxoak
  10. n

  11. Jarduera guztiak
  12. n

  13. Tokiko gida
  14. n

n Bazterketak


  1. Doanak
  2. n

  3. garraioa (Gurekin harremanetan jarriz ezarrita)
  4. n

  5. Edari alkoholdunak
  6. n


Irteera eta Itzulera

nBidaiariak bilgune bat lortuko du Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren. Bisitak gure topaguneetan hasi eta amaitu.

Jarabacoa buggy with Baiguate Waterfall Double


Zer espero?

nGet your ticket for Baiguate Waterfalls From Jarabacoa City by Buggy. 
nWhen we talk about buggies, we are talking about an all-terrain vehicle that offers safety and ease of handling, while allowing the user greater contact with the terrain and nature that surrounds him while driving. Feel the breeze, the sun, the rain, see the landscape at your side in a comfortable and safe device designed to enjoy the forest track and off-road.
nTxango hau edozein lekutara joan aurretik gure bidaia-agenteekin edo zure gidariarekin baieztatu behar duzun topagune batetik hasten da. Gidari topo egiten duzunean ibilbidearen laburpena eta zure egunarekin lotutako guztia izango duzu.
nWhen everyone is ready we will start our ride to some rural areas of Jarabacoa Town, while driving your buggy the bumpy roads and mountain air of the countryside from the central north of the country will show you the beauty and the nature through this adventure.
nSome of the locations you will visit during this trip are La Confluencia where Jimenoa and Yaque Del Norte river meet, Cieneguita, and Monte Arriba. 
nAfter riding for about 30 kilometers we will head to Baiguate Waterfall for a 10 minutes hike and swimming in natural pools. 
nDuring this part of your trip, you will be able to go swimming for about 1 hour and take a break to try out some fresh fruits harvested from Jarabacoa farmer’s land every day. Baiguate has an 82 feet high fall and is the perfect place to relax a bit before going back to town.  
nDuring this part of your trip, you will be able to go swimming for about 1 hour and take a break to try out some fresh fruits harvested from Jarabacoa farmer’s land every day. Baiguate has an 82 feet high fall and is the perfect place to relax a bit before going back to town.  
nLater after Baiguate Waterfall we will head to Ivon’s to try the best local ice cream flavor, homemade by a local expert, and walk to Duarte Central Park for the last part of your trip, this is a 6 hours tour that gives you the opportunity to oversee Jarabacoa,  this excursion ends in the same place as it started.
nOharra: bisita hauek Ofizialen Ekologistak gidariekin egiten dira. Mesedez, erreserbatu denborarekin, parkean ez baitago espezialista gehiegi.

Zer ekarri beharko zenuke?



  • Kamera
  • n

  • Kimuak uxatzeko
  • n

  • Eguzkitako krema
  • n

  • Txapela
  • n

  • Praka erosoak
  • n

  • Basorako mendiko oinetakoak
  • n

  • Sandaliak Udaberriko guneetara.
  • n

  • Igeriketa arropa
  • n


Hoteleko bilketa

nBisita honetarako ez da hoteleko bilketa eskaintzen. Hartu gurekin harremanetan Whatsapp bidez ezarri dugu.
nOhar: Txangoaren irteera ordutik 24 orduko epean erreserbatzen baduzu, hoteleko bilketa egin dezakegu aparteko karguekin. Erosketa amaitutakoan, harremanetarako informazio osoa bidaliko dizugu (telefono zenbakia, helbide elektronikoa, etab.) gure tokiko Tour gidari bilketa-antolaketak antola ditzan.

Informazio gehigarria berrespena



  1. Sarrerak Tour hau ordaindu ondoren ordainagiria dira. Ordainketa zure telefonoan erakutsi dezakezu.
  2. n

  3. Topagunea Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren jasoko da.
  4. n

  5. Haurrak heldu batekin joan behar dira.
  6. n

  7. Ez dago gurpil-aulkirako sarbidea
  8. n

  9. Haurrak magalean eseri behar dira
  10. n

  11. Ez da gomendagarria bizkarreko arazoak dituzten bidaiarientzat
  12. n

  13. Ez da gomendagarria haurdun dauden bidaiarientzat
  14. n

  15. Ez dago bihotzeko arazorik edo beste baldintza mediko larririk
  16. n

  17. Bidaiari gehienek parte har dezakete
  18. n


Baliogabetze politika

Itzulketa osoa lortzeko, irakurri gure Ezeztapen-politikak Klikatu hemen. Funtsak galduko dira erreserba bidaiaren egun berean bertan behera uzten bada.

Jarabacoa City Video:

Testu blokea naiz. Egin klik editatu botoian testu hau aldatzeko. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
