abenturak erreserbatzea

Irudia Alt

Playa Rincón (Rincon hondartza), Egun erdiko bidaia, Samaná – Dominikar Errepublika.

Visiting Playa el Rincon beach with Lunch at the beach, stopping on the way in Dominican House and fruit store plus swimming in the cristals waters of Cano Frio River. This is a half-day experience of the real Samana in the Dominican Republic.

nMesedez, hautatu ibilaldirako data: 


Lunch, Boat Ride and Private Transportation From Hotels.

Playa Rincón, Playa Fronton + Playa Madame Beach, Samaná - Dominican Republic.



Ikuspegi orokorra

nThe trip starts picking you up in your hotel or at the airport in Samana area or Las Galeras. Discover with us El Rincon beach, a pristine and long white sand beach, which borders a bay of calm turquoise waters, dotted with coconut trees, that captures the attention of all visitors. El Rincon is one of the ten best beaches in the word. In order to get to this unique beach, you will enjoy of the Dominican Republic life style while heading to the beach. On a bus will have a couple of stops in fruits stores where you can buy some if you wish to, will see local houses and learn about the Dominican real life.


  • You will have lunch with your toes in the sand while Merengue and Bachata songs will be playing at “El Paraiso”  where you will be served a complete meal including a fish dish, accompanied by local drinks and cocktails.  Here you will find a natural pearl that is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. The white, fine sand, the turquoise sea and the meter-high palm trees speak for themselves.
  • n



  • Inguruko Segurtasun esperientzia duen Local Guide.
  • n

  • Garraio pribatua
  • n

  • Tasak barne
  • n

  • Lunch at the Beach
  • n

  • Tokiko Tour Guide gaztelaniaz, ingelesez edo frantsesez.
  • n

  • Mendi ibilaldiak
  • n


Inklusioak eta bazterketak



  1. Inguruko Segurtasuneko esperientzia duen Tokiko Gida.
  2. n

  3. Talde txikientzako garraio pribatua
  4. n

  5. El Rincon Beach
  6. n

  7. Dominican House Ranch
  8. n

  9. Cano Frio River
  10. n

  11. Zerga, tasa eta kudeaketa-gastu guztiak
  12. n

  13. Tokiko zergak
  14. n

  15. Lunch at the Beach
  16. n

  17. Mendi ibilaldiak
  18. n

  19. Jarduera guztiak
  20. n

n Bazterketak


  1. Doanak
  2. n

  3. Edari guztiak
  4. n


Irteera eta Itzulera

nBidaiariak bilgune bat lortuko du Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren. Bisitak gure topaguneetan hasi eta amaitu.

Playa Rincón (Rincon hondartza), Egun erdiko bidaia, Samaná – Dominikar Errepublika.


Zer espero?

nAfter departing Samana hotels area and driving across Dominican streets, you will see and learn about local’s life style.  Visiting  Playa Rincón is an unspoiled strip of white sand that stretches for about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) along an undeveloped part of the coast. Fringed by a border of coconut palms and enclosed by mountain and cliff peaks at both ends, this secluded beach feels like a true utopia, cut off from civilization. Here the water is super clear and a surrounding coral reef ensures the safety of the beach which means you can go swimming with not risk. We will also visit Cano Frio River.

nThis tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with our Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and have lunch at the beach and enjoy the one of the most amazing beaches in Samana, Dominican Republic.

Zer ekarri beharko zenuke?



  • Kamera
  • n

  • Kimuak uxatzeko
  • n

  • Eguzkitako krema
  • n

  • Ura
  • n

  • Txapela
  • n

  • Praka erosoak
  • n

  • Basorako mendiko oinetakoak
  • n

  • Sandaliak Udaberriko guneetara.
  • n

  • Igeriketa arropa
  • n


Hoteleko bilketa

nIbilaldi honetarako hotelean jasotzea eskaintzen da.

nOhar: Txangoaren irteera ordutik 24 orduko epean erreserbatzen baduzu, hoteleko bilketa antolatu dezakegu. Pedernales eremuan besterik ez dugu jasotzen. Erosketa amaitutakoan, harremanetarako informazio osoa bidaliko dizugu (telefono zenbakia, helbide elektronikoa, etab.) gure tokiko Tour gidari bilketa-antolaketak antola ditzan.

Informazio gehigarria berrespena



  1. Sarrerak Tour hau ordaindu ondoren ordainagiria dira. Ordainketa zure telefonoan erakutsi dezakezu.
  2. n

  3. Topagunea Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren jasoko da.
  4. n

  5. Haurrak heldu batekin joan behar dira.
  6. n

  7. Ez dago gurpil-aulkirako sarbidea
  8. n

  9. Haurrak magalean eseri behar dira
  10. n

  11. Ez da gomendagarria bizkarreko arazoak dituzten bidaiarientzat
  12. n

  13. Ez da gomendagarria haurdun dauden bidaiarientzat
  14. n

  15. Ez dago bihotzeko arazorik edo beste baldintza mediko larririk
  16. n

  17. Bidaiari gehienek parte har dezakete
  18. n


Baliogabetze politika

Itzulketa osoa lortzeko, irakurri gure Ezeztapen-politikak Klikatu hemen. Funtsak galduko dira erreserba bidaiaren egun berean bertan behera uzten bada.

Boca del diablo and Fronton beach


Jarri gurekin harremanetan?


Erreserba Abenturak

nBertakoak eta Nazionalak Bisita gidatuak eta gonbidatuentzako zerbitzuak
nErreserbak: Bisitak eta txangoak Dom-en. Errep.
n  Tel / Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.
n  info@bookingadventures.com.do
nWhatsapp bidez bisita pribatuak ezartzen malguak gara: +18097206035.
