Observación de aves República Dominicana
Punta Cana: Observación de aves na Área da Fundación Punta Cana
The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities. During this experience we will get to oversee Punta Cana, and the foundation where some of the main projects of bird’s conversation began.
Visión xeral
Punta Cana: Observación de aves na Área da Fundación Punta Cana
Quisqueya “Dominican Republic & Haiti” is an island with a highly diverse avifauna of more than 300 species. In addition to 32 endemic bird species, the country hosts an impressive assemblage of permanent resident species, overwintering migrants, and other transient species that stop to rest and refuel enroute to more southerly wintering or northern breeding areas. The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities. During this experience we will get to oversee Punta Cana, and the foundation where some of the main projects of bird’s conversation began.
Punta Cana Área
This area, probably the most well-known resort area in the country, is at the easternmost tip of the country. The habitat of this area comprises mostly lowland moist forests, coastal shrub-land, pastureland and urban areas, as well as mangroves, lagoons, and beaches. Punta Cana is the most highly visited Caribbean destination resort. Nevertheless, over 90 different species of birds have been identified in Punta Cana during the winter migration season, and opportunities to learn and appreciate many of Hispaniola’s interesting bird species are available in the area.
Our target species for Punta Cana include many species endemic to the island or to the Caribbean region, such as Hispaniolan Parrot, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo
Punta Cana Foundation
There are a variety of good birding areas at Puntacana Resort and Club that are centered on the Puntacana Ecological Foundation. Behind the Center for Sustainability are a system of short trails that wind through a variety of gardens, tropical fruit orchards, and scrub forest. A longer, more developed trail is known as the Indian Eyes Trail. Access to this circular trail is made through the hotel which is across the street from the Ecological Foundation.
Saída e volta
O percorrido, organizado por “Booking Adventures”, comeza no punto de encontro fixado co guía turístico ou o persoal. O viaxeiro terá un punto de encontro despois do proceso de reserva. Os percorridos comezan e rematan nos nosos puntos de encontro.
Que esperar?
Get your ticket for Searching For The Samana: Bird Watching & Cotubanama National Park, this experience will give you the opportunity to see most of the biodiversity of the island.
This activity will start from your pick up from your accommodation in any of these areas:
- Samana
- Santo Domingo
- Punta Cana
- La Romana
- Bayahíbe
- Puerto Plata
- Santiago
If you are in any other area with can manage to pick you up, in case you are arriving directly to the airport with can do pick up in the following city airports:
- Samana, El Catey
- Santo Domingo, Las Americas
- Punta Cana, Punta Cana Airport
- La Romana, La Romana Airport
- Puerto Plata, Gregorio Luperon
- Santiago, Aeropuerto Internacional del Cibao
Arrival Day
When you arrive we will settle you in your room and find you a place to eat dinner and go over your itinerary for the seven days, after dinner your guide will take you back to your place. At your place you will have AC, Wifi, Water Bottles in your room, Balcony, Kitchen and common area to work.
Overnight: Hotel in Punta Cana
Área de Punta Cana
This morning will be exploring Punta Cana and their Ecological Foundation searching for some of the species we have in the area, we are first searching for endemics and residents species that are found in the area then your guide will lead you through the lush forests, spotting birds, butterflies and blooms along the way! Keep your eyes peeled to spot the endangered Hispaniolan Woodpecker or the Hispaniolan Emerald.
After lunch we will head to a different location of the area to look for more species, while we hike or drive we might see the Ridgway’s Hawk which is one of the most important endemic birds we have in the country.
Some of the species of the area are: Antillean Nighthawk, Antillean Palm-Swift, Broad-billed Tody, Palmchat, Bananaquit, Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, and Hispaniolan Oriole, as well as several hard-to-find introduced species such as Eurasian Collared Dove and Pearly-eyed Thrasher. In addition, you may be able to see reintroduced individuals of the island’s most endangered bird, the Ridgway’s Hawk.
For this day we take you back to your original location or drop you off at the airport on your scheduled flight.
Itinerary days and activities are subject to change without notice due to unforeseen circumstances or events. See full terms and conditions for more information.
- Todos os impostos, taxas e gastos de xestión
- Impostos locais
- Funcionarios Guías ecoloxistas inglés/español
- Local Transportation
- Xantar
- Breakfast
- Dinner
- Accommodation
- Gratuítos
- Bebidas alcohólicas
Ofrécese a recollida do hotel para esta excursión.
Nota: se reservas dentro das 24 horas posteriores á hora de saída da excursión/excursión, podemos organizar a recollida do hotel con cargos adicionais. Unha vez completada a compra, enviarémosche a información de contacto completa (número de teléfono, enderezo de correo electrónico, etc.) para que o noso guía turístico local organice a recollida.
Que debes traer?
- Cámara
- Brotes repelentes
- Crema solar
- Sombreiro
- Comfortable pants (long)
- Long sleeved shirt
- Zapatos de sendeirismo
- Sandalias á praia
- Roupa de baño
- Diñeiro para Souvenirs
Confirmación de información adicional
- As entradas son o recibo despois de pagar este Tour. Podes mostrar o pago no teu teléfono.
- O punto de encontro recibirase despois do proceso de reserva.
- Os nenos deben ir acompañados dun adulto.
- Os bebés deben sentarse no colo
- Poden participar a maioría dos viaxeiros
Política de cancelación
Para obter un reembolso completo, lea as nosas políticas de cancelación Pulse AQUÍ. Os fondos perderanse se a reserva se cancela o mesmo día da viaxe.
Experiencia Única
Beneficios de reservar viaxes privadas
Evite os grandes grupos de persoas
Excursións e excursións privadas de avistamento de baleas
Ofrecemos chartes personalizados para grupos de calquera tamaño, garantindo calidade, flexibilidade e atención personalizada a cada detalle.
Buscas unha experiencia natural personalizada sen aglomeracións para a túa reunión familiar, sorpresa de aniversario, retiro corporativo ou outra ocasión especial? Vostede é un viaxeiro esixente que prefire a opción de establecer a súa propia axenda cunha carta personalizada. Se si, podemos axudarche a personalizar a túa experiencia. Todo é posible!
Se queres saber máis sobre calquera das excursións que se mencionan a continuación ou compartir algunhas ideas e personalizar as túas, ponte en contacto connosco hoxe para obter máis información.
Contacta connosco?
Reserva aventuras
Os locais e Nacionais Guías turísticos e servizos para os hóspedes
Reservas: Tours e excursións en Dom. Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Somos flexibles para configurar tours privados por Whatsapp: +18097206035.