booking adventures

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Benefits of Booking Group Trips


Sail in comfortable catamarans to experience the beauty of the DR. Much more space - More stability - Less floating.

Meet new People

We have visitors from all around the world. Make a new friends from different cultures.

Group Discounts

Cost effective way of travelling. We always look for the most economical way.

Low-Cost Tours

Save your money. Enjoy the adventure for maximum with minimizing your travel budget.

Unique Experience

Book Your Excursion for Whale Watching 2022

Observe the giants humpback whales in their natural ground in the Samana Bay. Take a Catamaran for more than 40 people or private boat to live an adventure you will never forget! The season starts on the 15th of January until the 30th of March.

Read About Observation in Samana Bay

The Sanctuary Committee has established a set of rules or regulations designed to protect this endangered species and to guarantee the security of the people interested in observing them.

The humpback whale season extends every winter from December to April.

Boat captains and crew will continue to be trained. Environmental education programs directed towards the whale watching tourists will also be developed.

Whale Watching Regulations

-The vessels visiting the Sanctuary must obey the following regulations:
-The vessel and/or their occupants must not come any clos- er than 50m from where the whales are found, and less than 80m when in the presence of mothers with their calves.
-In the whale watching area, only one vessel may be ob serving the whales.
-The presence of various vessels together, be they small or large, confuse the whales.
-Each vessel must not stay longer than thirty minutes with any given group of whales.
-Each vessel must not make any sudden changes in direction and/or speed when near the whales.
-No objects may be thrown into the water, and no unnecessary noise may be made when near the whales.
-If the whales come closer than 100m from the vessel, the motor must be put in neutral until the whales are seen receding from the vessel.
-The vessel cannot interfere with the swimming direction or the natural behavior of the whales. (Whales can leave their natural habitat if harassed).

Whale Watching Measures

-Only 3 boats are allowed to whale watch at the same time, the same group of whales. Other boats must stay 250 meters away waiting for their turn to whale watch making groups of 3.
-Distances between boats and whales are: for mother and calf, 80 meters, for groups of adult whales 50 meters.
-When approaching the whale watch zone, at a distance of 250 meters, all engines must be in neutral until is their turn to whale watch.
-Boats are allowed to watch a group of whale for 30 minutes, if they want to continue whale watching they have to find another group. At the end of the
season the whale watch time could be half depending on the amount of whales and visitors.
-No boat is allowed to let their passengers swim or dive with the whales on Samaná Bay.
-All passengers on a boat less than 30 feet must have a lifevest on at all time.
-Flying over the animals is prohibited at less than 1000 meters of altitude.

Never Stop Exploring

About Fauna & Flora

Learn about The Rich Fauna & Flora of the Dominican Republic with Professional Local Tour Guides with many years of experiences.

map DR 2

Why Choose Us?


1) Everything we do, we do with passion

2) On our tours you feel like local doing things locals do

3) On our tours it is not just about sightseeing, but it is a unique experience of meeting, learning, discovering and understanding different cultures and returning back home richer than when the journey started

4) We completely customize and personalize our tours upon your wishes

5) We guarantee the cheapest prices

6) We know the regions hidden treasures very well

7) You can relax and enjoy – all the logistics is done by us

8) Our Group Tours are usually on Catamarans

9) We don´t do this only for our work but this is our way of life and we love it.

10) We will do everything to see you on a tour with a big smile and making sure you will want to repeat the whole tour again!


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