Hádegisverður innifalinn
27 Waterfalls Buggies Tour Puerto Plata
27 Waterfalls Buggies Tour Puerto Plata
Get your Tickets for Buggies in Puerto Plata with lowest damajagua waterfalls price. Damajagua areas with the best puerto plata waterfall excursion.
There’s no more thrilling way to explore the wild Dominican countryside than one of these buggies on a tour featured by Locals. Take off-road trails with 27 waterfalls forest areas your backdrop, and swim in a river or at the beach on this half-day, morning adventure.
After expert instruction, it’s time to hit the trails and venture into the countryside. You’ll pass palm groves, rustic farmland, and villages, as you speed down the dusty, jungle trails – well off the beaten path.
There’ll be a couple of pit stops where you can grab a fresh coconut for the road, if you’re feeling thirsty. Also, one way or another you’ll get dirty, so bring your swimwear and cool off at the beach or natural river – a lovely way to dust yourself off. You’ll also get to wash down a thrilling day with complimentary ice-cold beer or cocktail back at the base. Contac Us for our waterfalls of damajagua and off-road buggy combo .
- Gjöld innifalin
- Hádegisverður
- Snarl
- Staðbundinn fararstjóri á ensku
Innifalið og útilokanir
- Hádegisverður
- Allir skattar, gjöld og afgreiðslugjöld
- Útsvar
- Drykkir
- Snarl
- Öll starfsemi
- Staðbundinn leiðsögumaður
- Þjórfé
- flutningur (Stillt með því að hafa samband við okkur)
- Áfengir drykkir
Brottför og heimferð
The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finish at your meeting points.
27 waterfalls of damajagua puerto plata tours excursions
Hvað á að búast við?
Damajagua Buggy’s
Let’s start our engines and begin an exciting route through muddy trails, tropical forest,s, and rivers. This is an hour and a half tour between 10 and 15 kilometers long.
The first stop will be in the Bajabonico River in Bellaco Community. On the road, you are going to be able to pick up some fruits and even eat locals made Patty.
We will continue the buggy route to the communities of Bajabonico Arriba, were we can try the damajagua waterfalls water temperature . Palmar Grande y Los Felix. Once we are driving within those communities, we have to slow down our speed because of the kids, animals, and local people living their normal life.
We will descend from the vehicles and have a chance to swimming in the freshwater of the river!
On the way back, we will take an external road being able to cross as much as 12 times the river one by one.
Finally, we will get back to the meeting point and you can go back to your place and talk to your friends about this unforgettable tour.
Hvað ættir þú að koma með?
- Myndavél
- Fráhrindandi buds
- Sólarvörn
- Hattur
- Þægilegar buxur
- Gönguskór fyrir skóginn
- Sandalar til vorsvæðanna.
- Sundfatnaður
Hotel Pickup:
Hotel pick-up is not offered for this tour. We set Pick up by contacting us by Whatsapp. We have offers In Case You are coming from amber cove 27 waterfalls.
Athugið: Ef þú ert að bóka innan 24 klukkustunda frá brottfarartíma ferðar/ferðar, getum við útvegað flutning á hóteli með aukagjöldum. Þegar kaupunum þínum er lokið munum við senda þér allar upplýsingar um tengiliði (símanúmer, netfang, osfrv.) fyrir staðbundinn fararstjóra til að skipuleggja afhendingu.
Staðfesting á viðbótarupplýsingum
- Miðar eru kvittunin eftir að hafa greitt fyrir þessa ferð. Þú getur sýnt greiðsluna í símanum þínum.
- Fundarstaður mun berast eftir bókunarferlið.
- Börn verða að vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.
- Ekki aðgengilegt fyrir hjólastóla
- Ungbörn verða að sitja í kjöltu
- Ekki mælt með fyrir ferðamenn með bakvandamál
- Ekki mælt með því fyrir barnshafandi ferðamenn
- Engin hjartavandamál eða önnur alvarleg sjúkdómsástand
- Flestir ferðamenn geta tekið þátt
Til að fá fulla endurgreiðslu, vinsamlegast lestu afbókunarreglur okkar Ýttu hér. Fjármagn tapast ef pöntun er afbókuð sama dag ferðarinnar.
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