Jarabacoa with Jimenoa and Baiguate WaterfallsBuggy
Jarabacoa Buggy & Baiguate Waterfall
Join us and travel with a local expert from Jarabacoa and get the unique experience of visiting the best spots from the capital of ecotourism starting from Jarabacoa, this tour will take you around seeing the beautiful landscape of the largest mountain ranch of the Dominican Republic. As you drive around to the different locations you will feel the mountain air and enjoy the beauty of the countryside.
We can get to the different locations for this tour. You’ll have the options: Biking, Horseback Riding, Safari, Four Wheels, or Buggy. Buy your ticket online now and let’s have fun learning about Jarabacoa and Dominican Republic culture as you travel around to the best locations of the town.
Jarabacoa is the city of the eternal spring break because of the weather and the second most important municipality from la Vega province. According to history, Jarabacoa means “place of much water”, On September 27, 1858, Jarabacoa began its life as a municipality, a category obtained after a career that came from the beginning of the 19th century. Travel with us and get to know more about the mountains, nature, culture, and people of the northern region of the Dominican Republic.
- Gjöld innifalin
- Hádegisverður
- Snarl
- Staðbundinn fararstjóri á ensku
Innifalið og útilokanir
- Hádegisverður
- Allir skattar, gjöld og afgreiðslugjöld
- Útsvar
- Drykkir
- Snarl
- Öll starfsemi
- Staðbundinn leiðsögumaður
- Þjórfé
- flutningur (Stillt með því að hafa samband við okkur)
- Áfengir drykkir
Brottför og heimferð
The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finish at your meeting points.
Jarabacoa buggy & Baiguate Waterfall
Hvað á að búast við?
Get your ticket for Baiguate Waterfalls From Jarabacoa City by Buggy.
When we talk about buggies, we are talking about an all-terrain vehicle that offers safety and ease of handling, while allowing the user greater contact with the terrain and nature that surrounds him while driving. Feel the breeze, the sun, the rain, see the landscape at your side in a comfortable and safe device designed to enjoy the forest track and off-road.
Þessi skoðunarferð hefst frá fundarstað sem þú verður að staðfesta með ferðaskrifstofum okkar eða fararstjóra áður en þú ferð á hvaða stað sem er. Þegar þú hittir leiðsögumanninn þinn muntu hafa sagt frá ferðinni og öllu sem tengist deginum þínum.
When everyone is ready we will start our ride to some rural areas of Jarabacoa Town, while driving your buggy the bumpy roads and mountain air of the countryside from the central north of the country will show you the beauty and the nature through this adventure.
Some of the locations you will visit during this trip are La Confluencia where Jimenoa and Yaque Del Norte river meet, Cieneguita, and Monte Arriba.
After riding for about 30 kilometers we will head to Baiguate Waterfall for a 10 minutes hike and swimming in natural pools.
During this part of your trip, you will be able to go swimming for about 1 hour and take a break to try out some fresh fruits harvested from Jarabacoa farmer’s land every day. Baiguate has an 82 feet high fall and is the perfect place to relax a bit before going back to town.
During this part of your trip, you will be able to go swimming for about 1 hour and take a break to try out some fresh fruits harvested from Jarabacoa farmer’s land every day. Baiguate has an 82 feet high fall and is the perfect place to relax a bit before going back to town.
Later after Baiguate Waterfall we will head to Ivon’s to try the best local ice cream flavor, homemade by a local expert, and walk to Duarte Central Park for the last part of your trip, this is a 6 hours tour that gives you the opportunity to oversee Jarabacoa, this excursion ends in the same place as it started.
Athugið: Þessar ferðir eru með fararstjórum umhverfisfræðinga embættismanna. Vinsamlegast bókaðu tímanlega því í garðinum eru ekki of margir sérfræðingar.
Hvað ættir þú að koma með?
- Myndavél
- Fráhrindandi buds
- Sólarvörn
- Hattur
- Þægilegar buxur
- Gönguskór fyrir skóginn
- Sandalar til vorsvæðanna.
- Sundfatnaður
Afhending hótels
Boðið er upp á akstur á hóteli fyrir þessa ferð. Við stillum Pick up til að hafa samband við okkur með Whatsapp.
Athugið: Ef þú ert að bóka innan 24 klukkustunda frá brottfarartíma ferðar/ferðar, getum við útvegað flutning á hóteli með aukagjöldum. Þegar kaupunum þínum er lokið munum við senda þér allar upplýsingar um tengiliði (símanúmer, netfang, osfrv.) fyrir staðbundinn fararstjóra til að skipuleggja afhendingu.
Staðfesting á viðbótarupplýsingum
- Miðar eru kvittunin eftir að hafa greitt fyrir þessa ferð. Þú getur sýnt greiðsluna í símanum þínum.
- Fundarstaður mun berast eftir bókunarferlið.
- Börn verða að vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.
- Ekki aðgengilegt fyrir hjólastóla
- Ungbörn verða að sitja í kjöltu
- Ekki mælt með fyrir ferðamenn með bakvandamál
- Ekki mælt með því fyrir barnshafandi ferðamenn
- Engin hjartavandamál eða önnur alvarleg sjúkdómsástand
- Flestir ferðamenn geta tekið þátt
Til að fá fulla endurgreiðslu, vinsamlegast lestu afbókunarreglur okkar Ýttu hér. Fjármagn tapast ef pöntun er afbókuð sama dag ferðarinnar.