bóka ævintýri

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Spilarar geta notið margra verðlauna í Lucky Nugget spilavítinu á netinu. Þeir geta fengið endurhlaða bónusa, vildarpunkta og jafnvel unnið peningaverðlaun. Aðrir bónusar í boði hjá besta NZ spilavíti á netinu innihalda ókeypis snúninga, blackjack-mót og endurhleðslubónusa.

Spilarar geta einnig notið fjölda stakra kynninga, með möguleika á að vinna ókeypis frí, lúxusvörur og peningaverðlaun. Fyrir utan bónusana býður síðan einnig upp á vildarpunkta sem hægt er að skipta út fyrir bónusinneignir. Það eru sex mismunandi hollustustig hjá Lucky Nugget.

LESTU MEIRA Ævintýri Taino Ævintýrið bíður Lággjalda hópferðir og einkaferðir Þú getur slakað á og notið öll flutningur er unnin af okkur Tímabil 2023 LESTU MEIRA Hvalaskoðun

Sánchez í Samaná: Los Haitises Bátsferð lítill hópur


If you are in Las Terrenas, Santa Barbara de Samana or Las Terrenas and you will like to make a short visit just focus in Los Haitises National Park with Locals Tours guides. This is the best Option. Visitinsg the Mangroves, Caves, Pictograms and Rocly islands by boat.

Tours guides with more than 20 years of experiencie in the National Park will be explain everything about the nature and the studies of this amazing reserve.

Select a date for your trip:


Mangroves, staðarleiðsögumenn og hellar

From Sanchez Los Haitises Boat trip

Los Haitises National Park Half Day From Sanchez



Get out of your comfort zone to immerse yourself between the historical and fishing town of Sanchez and the capital of Los Haitises, Sabana de la Mar. Sanchez is known as a center of exportation and for having a train that was coming from La vega province built at the end of 1800. Come with us and enjoy the unique experience of Los Haitises National Park, where San Lorenzo Bay is located. 


The place is accessible by boat, surrounded by rainforest and mangrove forest. While you are navigating from Sanchez to Los Haitises you will get in contact with nature and the unforgettable landscape of this park. This tour will take you by boat to caves with pictographs and petroglyphs, Los Haitises is one of the most important national parks in the country, here is the majority of the Biodiversity of the island, and the second largest mangrove forest with more than 98 km2. 


Our local and expert staff will make sure you really get to know the Taino’s culture, their history in Los Haitises, and their connection with nature. This tour is in ecotourism mode where the community gets to play a very important role, they are guides, Capitan boats, and drivers.


Booking Adventure’s priority is to make sure you get the best of the best, from the moment you buy the ticket until you finish your trip. Our tours are focused on environmental education, adventure, and local history and during this trip, you’ll get to see a little bit of everything. 


Innifalið og útilokanir




  • Boat and Captain
  • Snacks, (water, fruits, Sosa)
  • Allir skattar, gjöld og afgreiðslugjöld
  • Útsvar
  • Embættismenn Vistfræðingur fararstjórar ensku/spænsku
  • Hellar
  • Samgöngur







Brottför og heimferð


Ferðin, skipulögð af „Booking Adventures“, hefst á þeim fundarstað sem leiðsögumaðurinn hefur ákveðið. Ferðamaðurinn mun fá fundarstað eftir pöntunarferlið. Ferðir hefjast og lýkur á samkomustöðum okkar.


Hvað á að búast við?


Get your ticket for Los Haitises National Park Half Day From Sanchez 


Þessi skoðunarferð hefst frá fundarstað sem þú verður að staðfesta með ferðaskrifstofum okkar eða fararstjóra áður en þú ferð á hvaða stað sem er. Þegar þú hittir leiðsögumanninn þinn muntu hafa sagt frá ferðinni og öllu sem tengist deginum þínum.


When everyone is ready we will head to Cano Salado where we are going to see some Red Mangrove and learn more about these uniques species are found in the carribbean. While we navigate through the mangrove forest and coast of San Lorenzo Bay we will share with you stories about Los Haitises, and Geology of the park.


We will go to see the pictograph on the walls of the Caves of the Line. These are about 600 years old. Cueva de la Linea has over 1,200 different pictographs. 


During this part of your trip, you will be able to go around the Old Las Perlas Port which is one of the first structures built by Europeans in the area, about 1876, and this was connected with a train line that was the transportation for the coffee, bananas and everything this group of European was farming in what is today Los Haitises. 


After Muelle de las Perlas your tour guide is going to take you to the Sand`s cave where the pectroglipf are thise were special art caving by hand from the tainos people, here we also have a break to try some snacks and then walking in the cave while steps on the sand and searching for bats, and cave`s swwallow. 


When see the las spot of Los Haitises National Park we head back to Sanchez, on the way back enjoy a 30 minutes ride to the Peninsula of Samana. This excursion ends in the same place as it started.


Athugið: Þessar ferðir eru með fararstjórum umhverfisfræðinga embættismanna. Vinsamlegast bókaðu tímanlega því í garðinum eru ekki of margir sérfræðingar.


What should you bring?

  • Myndavél
  • Bug Spray 
  • Sólarvörn
  • Þægilegar buxur
  • Hlaupaskór
  • Rain Jacket 
  • Swimsuit 
  • Towel 


Afhending hótels

Extra Cost: Hotel pick-up is offered if you are in  LAS TERRENAS , Santa Barbara de Samana or  Las Galeras with be charge a extra Cost. 75 USD per Group.


Athugið: if you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrange hotel pick-up with extra Charges if you are not in Juan Dolio hotels. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.

Staðfesting á viðbótarupplýsingum

  1. Miðar eru kvittunin eftir að hafa greitt fyrir þessa ferð. Þú getur sýnt greiðsluna í símanum þínum.
  2. Fundarstaður mun berast eftir bókunarferlið.
  3. Börn verða að vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.
  4. Ekki aðgengilegt fyrir hjólastóla
  5. Ungbörn verða að sitja í kjöltu
  6. Ekki mælt með fyrir ferðamenn með bakvandamál
  7. Ekki mælt með því fyrir barnshafandi ferðamenn
  8. Engin hjartavandamál eða önnur alvarleg sjúkdómsástand
  9. Flestir ferðamenn geta tekið þátt


Til að fá fulla endurgreiðslu, vinsamlegast lestu afbókunarreglur okkar Ýttu hér. Fjármagn tapast ef pöntun er afbókuð sama dag ferðarinnar.

