Bird Watching Republik Dominika
Bayahibe: Bird Watching & Cotubanama National Park
The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities. During this experience we will get to oversee Bayahibe, and Cotubanama National Park.
Bayahibe: Bird Watching & Cotubanama National Park
Quisqueya “Dominican Republic & Haiti” is an island with a highly diverse avifauna of more than 300 species. In addition to 32 endemic bird species, the country hosts an impressive assemblage of permanent resident species, overwintering migrants, and other transient species that stop to rest and refuel enroute to more southerly wintering or northern breeding areas. The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities. During this experience we will get to oversee Bayahibe, and Cotubanama National Park.
Bayahíbe Área
Bayahíbe is a town in the Dominican Republic, located about 10 miles (16 km) east of La Romana on the shore of the Caribbean Sea. Founded as a fishing village in 1874 by Juan Brito and his family, who came from Puerto Rico, Bayahibe is one of fastest growing tourist destinations in the country. It’s home to stunning beaches, world class hotels, villas, seafood specialty restaurants and the best scuba diving spots in the Dominican Republic.
These are some of the species of the area: Brown Pelican, Snowy Egret, Little Blue Heron, Tricolored Heron, Reddish Egret and Osprey, Palmchat , Hispaniolan Woodpecker, Hispaniolan Parakeet, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo , Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, Hispaniolan Mango and many more.
Cotubanama National Park
There is a single trail here which begins at the guard house. The 3-km (1.9 mile) trail is at first sandy and skirts coastal habitats, but it then moves away from the immediate coast and passes over rough dogtooth limestone. This initial section of beachside trail is usually a very good area to see Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoos and Hispaniolan Woodpeckers. Wherever possible, look for small openings and side trails down to the beach where you might find shorebirds, waders, or seabirds further out.
The park also contains an extensive area of dry forest and adjoining mangrove habitat where you are likely to find White-crowned Pigeon, Hispaniolan Parrot, Mangrove Cuckoo, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo, Broad-billed Tody, Antillean Piculet, Hispaniolan Woodpecker, Stolid Flycatcher, Flat-billed Vireo, Black-whiskered Vireo, and Greater Antillean Bullfinch.
- Kabeh pajak, ragad lan biaya penanganan
- Pajak lokal
- Officials Ecologist tour guide Inggris/Spanyol
- Transportasi Lokal
- nedha awan
- sarapan
- nedha bengi
- Accommodation
- Gratuities
- Ombenan Alkohol
Pick-up hotel ditawakake kanggo tur iki.
Cathetan: yen sampeyan pesen ing 24 jam saka demo / Excursion wektu departure, kita bisa ngatur hotel Pick-up karo biaya ekstra. Sawise tuku rampung, kita bakal ngirim informasi kontak lengkap (nomer telpon, alamat email, etc.) kanggo Tour guide lokal kanggo ngatur noto pick-up.
Apa sampeyan kudu nggawa?
- kamera
- Repellent buds
- Suncream
- Topi
- Celana sing nyaman (dawa)
- Kaos lengan panjang
- Sepatu Hiking
- Sandal menyang pantai
- Sandhangan renang
- Awis kanggo Souvenir
Konfirmasi Info Tambahan
- Tiket minangka Resi sawise mbayar Tour iki. Sampeyan bisa nuduhake pembayaran ing telpon.
- Titik Temu Bakal ditampa Sawise Proses Reservasi.
- Anak kudu diiringi wong diwasa.
- Bayi kudu lungguh ing puteran
- Paling lelungan bisa melu
Kebijakan Pembatalan
Kanggo mbalekaken lengkap, waca kabijakan Pembatalan Klik kene. Dana bakal ilang yen leladen dibatalake ing dina padha trip.
Pengalaman Unik
Keuntungan saka Booking Trip Pribadi
Ngindhari Kelompok Wong Gedhe
Private Whale Watching Tours & Excursions
Kita nyedhiyakake charter khusus kanggo klompok ukuran apa wae, njamin kualitas, keluwesan lan perhatian khusus kanggo saben rinci.
Apa sampeyan nggoleki pengalaman alam sing disesuaikan tanpa wong akeh kanggo reuni kulawarga, kejutan ulang tahun, retret perusahaan utawa acara khusus liyane? Apa sampeyan lelungan discerning sing luwih seneng pilihan kanggo nyetel agenda dhewe karo charter adat. Yen ya, mula kita bisa mbantu nggawe pengalaman pribadi. Apa wae bisa!
Yen sampeyan pengin ngerti liyane babagan samubarang wisata kasebut ing ngisor iki utawa nuduhake sawetara gagasan lan ngatur dhewe, hubungi kita dina iki kanggo informasi luwih lengkap.
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Booking Adventures
warga lokal lan warga negara Pemandu Wisata & Layanan Tamu
Reservasi: Tur & Wisata ing Dom. Rep.
Telpon / Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
We are Fleksibel Setting Private Tours by Whatsapp: +18097206035.