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Waca liyane Petualangan Taino Petualangan Menunggu Tur Grup & Wisata Pribadi sing murah Sampeyan bisa ngendhokke lan seneng kabeh logistik wis rampung dening kita Mangsa 2023 Waca liyane Nonton Paus

Samana: Buggy Adventure Saka Samana


This Buggy adventure starts from the stream of the El Limon area, and we continue the journey between beautiful landscapes of the small town of El Limon, until we reach a typical Dominican house, where we pause to get to know something about Dominican customs and life : demonstration of typical products such as cocoa, coffee and fruits.


Sawise trip iki, kita bakal nggawa sampeyan bali menyang titik patemon ngendi kita miwiti.

Tulung dicathet: Bayi (0 – 23 sasi) gratis, Anak (2 – 10 taun)

Priksa dina sing kasedhiya kanggo dolan iki:


Buggy Samana

Samana: Buggy Adventure Saka Samana

This Buggy adventure starts from the stream of the El Limon area, and we continue the journey between beautiful landscapes of the small town of El Limon, until we reach a typical Dominican house, where we pause to get to know something about Dominican customs and life : demonstration of typical products such as cocoa, coffee and fruits.


Samana: Buggy Adventure Saka Samana 

Samana Área 

Samana, located on the northeastern coast of the Dominican Republic, is a paradise for nature lovers. This beautiful region is home to stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant marine life. One of the highlights of Samana is Los Haitises National Park, a protected area known for its mangrove forests, limestone formations, and diverse bird species. Another must-see natural attraction is El Limon waterfall, a breathtaking 150-foot cascade surrounded by lush vegetation. Samana Bay is also famous for its annual whale watching season, where visitors can see humpback whales as they migrate from the north Atlantic to breed and give birth in the warm waters. In addition to its natural wonders, Samana offers countless outdoor activities such as hiking, zip-lining, and horseback riding. The region also boasts several pristine beaches, including Las Galeras and Playa Rincon, where visitors can relax, swim, and soak up the sun. Overall, Samana is a haven for those seeking to reconnect with nature and indulge in its beauty and tranquility. So, if you’re a nature enthusiast looking for your next adventure, Samana should definitely be on your travel bucket list.

This Buggy adventure starts from the stream of the El Limon area, and we continue the journey between beautiful landscapes of the small town of El Limon, until we reach a typical Dominican house, where we pause to get to know something about Dominican customs and life : demonstration of typical products such as cocoa, coffee and fruits. Afterwards, we go to the entrance of Las Canas beach and from where we go to Morón beach where we have free time to swim and take photos. From this point we go to Limon Beach to appreciate the views and swim if you wish and then finally arrive at El Limon stream where you have the option of taking a dip in the natural pool.

El Limón Community 

The community of El Limon is located in the arid southwest mountains of the Dominican Republic at an altitude of 3000 ft. It is two hours west of Santo Domingo, and six miles from the provincial capital of Ocoa. El Limon has some 60 families, for a total population of about 300 residents. Its economy is based on short-cycle agriculture, mostly onions, eggplant, and tomatoes. Until 20 years ago, when an extensive community irrigation system was installed with support from the regional NGO (ADESJO), most families subsisted by making charcoal.


  1. Kabeh pajak, ragad lan biaya penanganan
  2. Pajak lokal
  3. Officials Ecologist tour guide Inggris/Spanyol
  4. Nedha awan lokal
  5. Buggy
  6. Parada La Manzana


  1. Gratuities
  2. Ombenan Alkohol

Pick-up hotel ditawakake kanggo tur iki.

Cathetan: yen sampeyan pesen ing 24 jam saka demo / Excursion wektu departure, kita bisa ngatur hotel Pick-up karo biaya ekstra. Sawise tuku rampung, kita bakal ngirim informasi kontak lengkap (nomer telpon, alamat email, etc.) kanggo Tour guide lokal kanggo ngatur noto pick-up.

Apa sampeyan kudu nggawa?

  • kamera
  • Repellent buds
  • Suncream
  • Topi
  • Celana sing nyaman
  • T-shirt
  • Sandal menyang pantai
  • Swimming Wear
  • Awis kanggo Souvenir
  • Sunglasses
  • Bandanas

Konfirmasi Info Tambahan

  • Tickets are the Receipt after paying this Tour.
  • You can show the payment on your phone.
  • Titik Temu Bakal ditampa Sawise Proses Reservasi.
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult (Must be 5 years old).
  • Most travelers can participate.

Kebijakan Pembatalan

Kanggo mbalekaken lengkap, waca kabijakan Pembatalan Klik kene. Dana bakal ilang yen leladen dibatalake ing dina padha trip.

Pengalaman Unik

Keuntungan saka Booking Trip Pribadi


Mupangat saka Wektu Fleksibel adhedhasar jadwal lelungan sampeyan

Itinerary Pribadi

Rencana trip fleksibel sing cocog karo kapentingan, kabutuhan lan anggaran sampeyan

Pemandu Lokal Pribadi

Pakar lokal sing bersertifikat kanthi kawruh sing sugih bakal fokusake kabutuhan sampeyan

Rega Terjangkau

Wisata pribadi bisa kasedhiya kanthi rega sing cukup nalika njamin kualitas

Diskon Grup

Diskon kanggo grup 10+

Ngindhari Kelompok Wong Gedhe

Private Whale Watching Tours & Excursions

Kita nyedhiyakake charter khusus kanggo klompok ukuran apa wae, njamin kualitas, keluwesan lan perhatian khusus kanggo saben rinci.
Apa sampeyan nggoleki pengalaman alam sing disesuaikan tanpa wong akeh kanggo reuni kulawarga, kejutan ulang tahun, retret perusahaan utawa acara khusus liyane? Apa sampeyan lelungan discerning sing luwih seneng pilihan kanggo nyetel agenda dhewe karo charter adat. Yen ya, mula kita bisa mbantu nggawe pengalaman pribadi. Apa wae bisa!
Yen sampeyan pengin ngerti liyane babagan samubarang wisata kasebut ing ngisor iki utawa nuduhake sawetara gagasan lan ngatur dhewe, hubungi kita dina iki kanggo informasi luwih lengkap.

Hubungi kita?

Booking Adventures

warga lokal lan warga negara Pemandu Wisata & Layanan Tamu

Reservasi: Tur & Wisata ing Dom. Rep.

📞 Telpon / Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.


We are Fleksibel Setting Private Tours by Whatsapp: +18097206035.
