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Waca liyane Petualangan Taino Petualangan Menunggu Tur Grup & Wisata Pribadi sing murah Sampeyan bisa ngendhokke lan seneng kabeh logistik wis rampung dening kita Mangsa 2023 Waca liyane Nonton Paus

Punta Cana: Samaná Day Trip - Air Terjun El Limón lan Pulo Bacardi


If you are in Punta Cana or Bavaro and want to take a day trip paying less than usual, book this trip. Within this trip, we will take you to Samana, where on a catamaran, you will be taken to Sabana de la Mar, a municipality of Hato Mayor, the home of Los Haitises National Park. This trip includes Safari Tour, Catamaran, Waterfall & Beach Swim, and more. The trip starts at 6:00 am and ends at 6:30 pm.

Select the date for the tour 


(Pick-up in Punta Cana)

Samana Day Trip From Punta Cana - El Limon Waterfall and Bacardi Island

(Pick-up in Punta Cana)

Samana Day Trip From Punta Cana – El Limon Waterfall and Bacardi Island


If you are in Punta Cana or Bavaro, and wants to have a day trip paying less than usual, go ahead and book this trip. Within this trip, we will take you to Samana, where on a catamaran, you will be taken to Sabana de la Mar, a township of Hato Mayor the house of  Los Haitises National Park. This journey includes visiting the communities of Samana and El Limon where you will be able to do Horse Riding or Hiking to a waterfall right after crossing Samana Bay. The lunch will be served at Bacardi Island. The trips begins at 6:00am and ends by 6:30pm. Do your reservation now!

After this experience,  we will drop you off at Your Hotel.

  • Fees klebu
  • Lunch at the beach included
  • Transfer incluided
  • Pandhuan menehi instruksi lan Pengawasan


Inklusi & Pengecualian




  1. Hotel pick up
  2. Samaná Bay
  3. Bacardi Island, Beach, and Lunch
  4. Safari to El Limón
  5. Horse riding or Hiking to Waterfalls
  6. Dominicans Cocktails
  7. Kabeh pajak, ragad lan biaya penanganan
  8. Pajak lokal
  9. omben-omben
  10. Kabeh kegiatan
  11. Pemandu lokal


  1. Gratuities
  2. Alcoholic Drinks after Cocktails


Mangkat & Bali

Wong lelungan bakal entuk titik temu sawise Proses Reservasi. Tours miwiti lan Rampung ing titik patemon kita.


Samana Day Trip From Punta Cana – El Limon Waterfall and Bacardi Island

Apa sing Dikarepake?


Get your tickets now. The waterfalls, Horse Riding, Hiking, and Safari Tour, Swimming at Natural Springs, lunch at Bacardi Island, and others fun activities are waiting for you.

Departing Punta Cana on a bus, we will head to Samana Bay port. Once at the port, we will get onboard of a boat or Catamaran with local tour guides who will direct you to the community of Samana. In this community a Safari Tour will take you around teaching you about the history of this town.  But this is not all, El Limon waterfall is next, here you will be able swim and hike or do horse riding.  El Limon waterfall is a fantastic natural monument with a tropical forest and clear natural springs. On the way back to Samana we will have a stop at Bacardi Island where a lunch will be served and you are going to be able to swim in one of the most natural pools of Dominican Republic.


In case you would like to adjust this trip so it is shorter or longer, please contact us.


Apa sampeyan kudu nggawa?

  • kamera
  • Repellent buds
  • suncream
  • Topi
  • Celana sing nyaman
  • Sepatu hiking kanggo alas
  • Sandal menyang wilayah Spring.
  • Sandhangan renang


Hotel Pickup

Traveler pickup is offered!

We do pick up from all the Hotels in Punta Cana. Pick up Location is Hotel Lobby
If you are staying at a condo in the area, we will be picking you up at the condo or at the entrance of the closest resort.. We set Pick up contacting us by Whatsapp.

Cathetan: yen sampeyan pesen ing 24 jam saka demo / Excursion wektu departure, kita bisa ngatur hotel Pick-up karo biaya ekstra. Sawise tuku rampung, kita bakal ngirim informasi kontak lengkap (nomer telpon, alamat email, etc.) kanggo Tour guide lokal kanggo ngatur noto pick-up.

Konfirmasi Info Tambahan

  1. Tiket minangka Resi sawise mbayar Tour iki. Sampeyan bisa nuduhake pembayaran ing telpon.
  2. Titik Temu Bakal ditampa Sawise Proses Reservasi.
  3. Anak kudu diiringi wong diwasa.
  4. Ora bisa diakses kursi rodha
  5. Bayi kudu lungguh ing puteran
  6. Ora dianjurake kanggo lelungan karo masalah bali
  7. Ora dianjurake kanggo lelungan ngandhut
  8. Ora ana masalah jantung utawa kondisi medis serius liyane
  9. Paling lelungan bisa melu