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Whale Samana Tours

Whales Tours & Excursion

Whale Samana Tour

Whale Samana Tours , Offer the best prices and ways how to whales watching at The Samana Bay in Dominican Republic with Safe Tours and Cheap Excursion.

Whale Samana Tours

Whale Samana Tours in Dominican Republic are available in the short period from January 15 to March 30 of every year in The Sanctuary of the Humpback Whales, Dominican Republic.

Ing Sanctuary of the Humpback Whales  in Dominican Republic start in Puerto Plata Province until Samana Bay.

Puerto Plata area dont have Day tours to the Whales so visitor stay in Samana area to Whales Watching.  Tours and  excursions for Whale Watching  in the Dominican Republic are concentrate in  Samana Bay and the Silver Bank, located in the Northwest of the country, where every year, between December And March, about 6,000 humpback whales come to reproduce in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean in The edge of Dominican Republic.

Until Now, 95% of the Atlantic Humpback Whales are born in Dominican Republic waters and returned annually to mate and breed. But a recent study revealed that all populations of the Atlantic come to reproduce in our waters. It is Comon to see this whales in the Samana Bay.

It’s an amazing sight waiting for you every summer in the Samana Bay, humpback whales that come from the seas of Iceland, Canada, Greenland, and North America, who come to the Caribbean Sea to give birth and seek a mate in the hot water. From January 15th to March 30th, thousands remain in Samana Bay, Dominican Republic.

The show is impressive, when the 40-ton males jump up the water and fall down a few meters ahead. If it does not win any female reactions the male tries to attract them with a long and monotonous song that the whales can hear up to a radius of 30 kilometers. Only those who are diving can hear this song. After giving birth to their children, the whales prepare their return to the north. Since 1980 “Banco de Plata”, Samana bay, has become a Sanctuary for the protection of whales and Tours in Samana Bay.

Samana bay is considered one of the best places in the world for Humpback Whale Watching in Dominican Republic.
These beautiful and giant marine mammals, breathe air and come out regularly to the surface, remain in apnea for about 20 minutes, but can remain under water for up to 40 minutes. After the long trip they make and during which they do not feed, they spend part of the winter in the Bay of Samana, still without food. That way they will lose the fifth of their weight.

Whales come to give birth to their little ones because the whalebone, when born, has a very thin layer of fat to withstand the cold waters. At birth, it measures between 3.50 and 5 meters, and weighs a ton. To constitute a protective greasy layer and acquire enough forces to follow his mother on the return trip, will consume, daily, about 200 liters of breast milk that is very nutritious, the whale is going to take 45 kilos a day.

It’s a thrill to watch the mother play with her offspring. In this regard, the whale only has a single small and this, every 2 years. Gestation duration is 11 to 12 months. Well, come to give birth to your baby to the place where he conceived it! Although it is rare, sometimes it happens that some of them are coupled during the same season as the birth.

Booking Adventures with Whale Samana Tours offers you this beautiful excursion to the Humpback Whales Sanctuary departing from Samana bay areas. Comfortable and safe boats from the picturesque port of Samana, Sabana de la mar and Canitas comunity, with lunch and drinks included and accompanied by Tours Guides, where people will be able to approach a few meters of these colossal mammals and contemplate this fascinating panorama that will leave them astounded by so much beauty. This excursion is only possible from January 15 to March 30.

The Humpback whales can be easily observed, either at their feeding or breeding grounds. Whale watching has become an increasingly popular worldwide activity, and the Dominican Republic is fortunate to have one of the largest and best humpback breeding sanctuaries in the world. The Dominican government enforces strict whale protection laws and guidelines to ensure the safety and conservation of these wonderful animals. Whale watching can be a thrilling experience for anyone interested in nature and the preservation of our natural resources. We must continue to respect and protect these incredibly gentle giants so we can enjoy them for a long time to come. The following photos are images of what one would see on a typical whale-watching tour in Samana Bay, Dominican Republic.

Come with Whale Samana Tours and set your tours in the Samana bay areas:
