serpêhatiyên veqetandinê

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Tecrûbeyên bêhempa yên bi niştecîhan re
[mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”Because we care” subtitle=”We are different …” text=”We don’t simply treat our clients as visitors to Dominican Republic, we see them as international travelers awaiting the vacation of a lifetime and that is what we deliver! The progressive and dynamic approach of our team of experts ensures that you can be assured of our 100% commitment to providing a seamless and professional service to you, your friends or family.”]

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[mkdf_section_title position=”center” subtitle_tag=”h6″ subtitle=”Booking Adventures by Silven International” subtitle_color=”#000000″] [/mkdf_elements_holder_item][mkdf_elements_holder_item item_padding=”0 0 30px 50px” item_padding_768_1024=”20px 23% 0px 0%” item_padding_680_768=”20px 6% 0px 0%” item_padding_680=”20px 0% 0px 0%” item_padding_1280_1600=”0 0 30px 65px” item_padding_1024_1280=”0 0 40px 50px”][mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” title=”About Our Company” subtitle=”Welcome”]
[mkdf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#FF671B” background_color=””]B[/mkdf_dropcaps]ooking Adventures was founded in 2010 by Misael Calcaño Silven and Halle Alberto Jackson and since that humble beginning it has grown into a trusted resource that has helped tens of thousands of people better enjoy their travel. Our Eco Tours & Excursions are lovingly designed to be a heartwarming and fascinating experience for nature and wildlife lovers. We are focusing on adherence to animal welfare and biodiversity conservation ideals to xwezayê diparêzin û diparêzin. Karmendên me yên bi ezmûn li Booking Adventures peyda dikin şirovekirina profesyonel, ewlekarî, dostanî û alîkariya ji bo astengdaran. Em xelkê herêmê ne û ji ber vê yekê em pêşkêş dikin karûbarê herî bilind-kalîteya ji bo bihayên kêm.
[mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” title=”Nature Conservation” subtitle=”Protect the Nature” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_color=”#ffffff”]
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[mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-diamond” icon_type=”mkdf-circle” hover_type=”hover_default” title_tag=”” custom_icon_size=”34″ shape_size=”100″ icon_color=”#ff681a” icon_background_color=”#ffffff” title=”ECO FRIENDLY TOURS” title_color=”#ffffff” custom_icon=”10675″ text=”Maintaining spiritual connection to the land. Your participation in our Eco Tours helps us in our mission to support wildlife conservation.” text_color=”#ffffff”]
[mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_pack=”font_elegant” fe_icon=”” icon_type=”mkdf-circle” hover_type=”hover_default” title_tag=”” custom_icon_size=”34″ shape_size=”100″ icon_color=”#ff681a” icon_background_color=”#ffffff” title=”COMMUNITY IMPACT” text=”Make an impact by directly supporting local guides and their communities and enhance the cultural integrity of local people.” title_color=”#ffffff” text_color=”#ffffff” custom_icon=”10622″]
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[mkdf_dropcaps type=”normal” color=”#FF671B” background_color=””]O[/mkdf_dropcaps]ur Web Sites wisa dihesibîne mesrefên kêm û performansa bilind di kalîte û karûbarê de têne dayîn. Ji lênêrîna hûragahiyan em nîşan didin ku em bi berdewamî dixebitin ku rêyên nû û nûjen ên a tecrubeya baş gava ku hûn serdana Komara Domînîkî bikin. Xerîdarên me hîs dikin ku em di heman rêyê de wekî wan dimeşin, ji wan re dibin alîkar ku bibînin Geştên erzan û ewledar, Rêwîtî, Cihbûn, Veguheztin û karûbarên din.

Werin û ji ezmûnek ku qet nehatiye dîtin kêfê bikin, dibe serpêhatiyeke nejibîrkirî, ku hûn dixwazin biçin em ê ji we re pakêtek ewledar çêbikin.

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Fasûleyên kakao û pelikên kakaoyê yên li ser pelek mûzê ku bi Salto La Jalda (Meşîn û Avjenî) tê tevlihev kirin.

Bi Tîma Serpêhatiyên Booking re hevdîtin bikin

Pêşîniya 1# Têrbûna weya Temam e
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Nirxên verastkirî yên ji hêla Rêwiyan ve

Bixwînin ka mêvan li ser me çi dibêjin
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Em li hêviya dîtina we ne!