serpêhatiyên veqetandinê

los haitises kayak Are You Ready to Set Forth on A New Voyage? Just browse through and choose your own voyage of discovery
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[mkdf_elements_holder holder_full_height=”no” number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][mkdf_elements_holder_item horizontal_alignment=”center” item_padding=”0 15% 63px 15%” item_padding_768_1024=”0 7% 63px 7%” item_padding_680_768=”0 12% 53px 12%” item_padding_680=”0 0% 50px 0%”][mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”ion-android-boat” icon_type=”mkdf-circle” hover_type=”hover_default” title_tag=”” title=”Catamarans” text=”Sail in comfortable catamarans to experience the beauty of the DR. Much more space – More stability – Less floating.” custom_icon_size=”34″ shape_size=”100″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_background_color=”#ff681a”][mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-users” icon_type=”mkdf-circle” hover_type=”hover_default” title_tag=”” title=”Meet new People” text=”We have visitors from all around the world. Make a new friends from different cultures.” custom_icon_size=”34″ shape_size=”100″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_background_color=”#ff681a”][mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_pack=”ion_icons” ion_icon=”ion-ios-pricetag” icon_type=”mkdf-circle” hover_type=”hover_default” title_tag=”” title=”Group Discounts” text=”Cost effective way of travelling. We always look for the most economical way.” custom_icon_size=”34″ shape_size=”100″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_background_color=”#ff681a”][mkdf_icon_with_text type=”icon-top” icon_pack=”linear_icons” linear_icon=”lnr-smile” icon_type=”mkdf-circle” hover_type=”hover_default” title_tag=”” title=”Low-Cost Tours” custom_icon_size=”34″ shape_size=”100″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_background_color=”#ff681a” text=”Save your money. Enjoy the adventure for maximum with minimizing your travel budget.”][/mkdf_elements_holder_item][/mkdf_elements_holder]
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Tecrubeya Unique

Book Your Excursion for Whale Watching 2021

Observe the giants humpback whales in their natural ground in the Samana Bay. Ji zêdetirî 40 kesan re keştiyek an Catamaranek taybet bavêjin da ku hûn serpêhatiyek ku hûn çu carî ji bîr nekin bijîn! Demsal ji 15ê Çile heta 30ê Adarê dest pê dike.

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[mkdf_elements_holder holder_full_height=”no” number_of_columns=”one-column” switch_to_one_column=”” alignment_one_column=””][mkdf_elements_holder_item item_padding=”20% 0% 20px 0%” item_padding_768_1024=”0 7% 63px 7%” item_padding_680_768=”0 12% 53px 12%” item_padding_680=”0 0% 50px 0%”][mkdf_section_title position=”left” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”About Fauna & Flora” subtitle=”Never Stop Exploring” text=”Learn about The Rich Fauna & Flora of the Dominican Republic with Professional Local Tour Guides with many years of experiences.” text_font_size=”16px”] [/mkdf_elements_holder_item][/mkdf_elements_holder]
nexşeya DR 2
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Çima Me Hilbijêre?


1) Her tiştê ku em dikin, em bi dilxwazî dikin

2) Di gerên me de hûn hest dikin ku herêmî tiştên ku herêmî dikin dikin

Di gerên me de ew ne tenê li ser seyranê ye, lê ew ezmûnek bêhempa ya hevdîtin, fêrbûn, vedîtin û têgihîştina çandên cihêreng û vegera malê dewlemendtir e ji dema ku rêwîtiyê dest pê kir.

Em bi tevahî gerên xwe li gorî daxwazên we xweş û kesane dikin

5) We guarantee the cheapest prices

6) Em xezîneyên veşartî yên herêman pir baş dizanin

7) You can relax and enjoy – all the logistics is done by us

8) Our Group Tours are usually on Catamarans

9) Em vê yekê tenê ji bo karê xwe nakin lê ev awayê jiyana me ye û em jê hez dikin.

Em ê her tiştî bikin da ku hûn bi bişirînek mezin we li ser geranek bibînin û piştrast bikin ku hûn ê bixwazin tevahiya gerê dîsa dubare bikin!


[mkdf_button size=”large” type=”outline” text=”What We Offer” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_self” color=”#ff681a” hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”#ff681a” border_color=”#ff681a” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

[mkdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” title=”All Group Tours & Excursions” subtitle=”Just Browse through and choose your own voyage of discovery”]