Lunch, Boat Ride and Private Transportation From Hotels.
Playa Rincón, Playa Fronton + Playa Madame Beach, Samaná - Dominican Republic.
Playa Caletón, Playa Escondida, Playa Colorado, Playa del Amor, Playa La Vaca, Playa la Playita Playa Bremán.
One of the most beautiful excursions on the Samaná’s peninsula.
The 7 hidden beaches in Samaná, located in the Samaná Peninsula and keep beautiful secrets of history, and also knowing these places we contribute to the local economy that is vital for the subsistence of a people.
Enter the unique atmosphere by visiting 7 beaches on the boat, Also Hiking in one small cave on the coast. Some beaches are only reachable by boat surrounded by a coral reef around which you can snorkel, swim with fishes and discover its corals and relax and enjoy the amazing scenery. Relaxing, swimming, and then departure to Playa colorado, another and isolated perfect beach for snorkeling, where you can also visit a cave and take great videos or Photos for awesome memories.
You will have lunch with your toes in the sand to the sound of Merengue and Bachata at “El Paraiso” – The last restaurant before the jungle – where you will be served a complete meal including a fish dish, accompanied by local drinks and cocktails. On the way back we will stop at El Rincon Beach, here you will find a natural pearl that is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. The white, fine sand, the turquoise sea, and the meter-high palm trees speak for themselves.
- Тухайн бүс нутагт аюулгүй байдлын туршлагатай орон нутгийн хөтөч.
- Төлбөр багтсан
- Lunch at the Beach
- Boat ride
- Local Tour Guide in Spanish, English, or French.
- Явган аялал
- swimming
Оруулсан болон хассан зүйлс
Оруулсан зүйлс
- Тухайн бүс нутагт аюулгүй байдлын туршлагатай орон нутгийн хөтөч.
- El Rincon Beach
- Colorado Beach
- La Playita Beach
- La Vaca Beach
- Breman Beach
- Mariano Beach
- Caleton Beach
- Бүх татвар, хураамж, үйлчилгээний хураамж
- Орон нутгийн татвар
- Lunch at the Beach
- Явган аялал
- Бүх үйл ажиллагаа
Үл хамаарах зүйл
- Өргөдөл
Явах & Буцах
Захиалгын үйл явцын дараа аялагч уулзах цэг авах болно. Аялал манай уулзалтын цэгүүдээр эхэлж, дууслаа.
Playa Caletón, Playa Escondida, Playa Colorado, Playa del Amor, Playa La Vaca, Playa la Playita Playa Bremán.
Юу хүлээх вэ?
Тасалбараа аваарай for Visiting 7 of the most unique beaches around the Dominican Republic. The starting trip meeting point is in the Las Galeras area hiking and Swimming in one day 7 Beaches plus el Rincon beach. First, we visit the Duarte Cave, hiking, and see the most beautiful cave in las Galeras. This cave has 900 meters, with 2 different entrances to avoid repeating the same scenery.
After visiting the cave we go back to the speed boat to visit Playa Caleton, this is one of the most mention beaches in Samana because of the clear waters. We will swim en enjoy this beach first to continue our trip by Playa del Amor.
playa 7
Playa Rincón is an unspoiled strip of white sand that stretches for about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) along an undeveloped part of the coast. Fringed by a border of coconut palms and enclosed by mountain and cliff peaks at both ends, this secluded beach feels like a true utopia, cut off from civilization.
After El Rincon beach we will be back on the speed boat to Las Galeras meeting point!
The tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with our Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and have lunch at the beach and enjoy the 7 most amazing beaches in Samana, Dominican Republic.
Та юу авчрах ёстой вэ?
- Камер
- Зэвүүн нахиа
- Нарны тос
- Ус
- Малгай
- Тав тухтай өмд
- Ойд зориулсан явган аялалын гутал
- Хаврын бүс рүү шаахайнууд.
- Усанд сэлэх хувцас
Зочид буудлаас авах
Hotel pick-up is not included in this tour.
Жич: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrange hotel pick-up with extra cost. We just pick it up in the Samana area. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Нэмэлт мэдээллийн баталгаажуулалт
- Тасалбар нь энэ аялалыг төлсний дараа баримт юм. Та утсан дээрээ төлбөрөө харуулах боломжтой.
- Уулзалтын цэгийг захиалгын дараа хүлээн авна.
- Хүүхдүүд насанд хүрсэн хүнтэй хамт байх ёстой.
- Тэргэнцэр ашиглах боломжгүй
- Нярай хүүхэд өвөр дээрээ суух ёстой
- Нурууны өвчтэй аялагчдад зөвлөдөггүй
- Жирэмсэн зорчигчдод хэрэглэхийг зөвлөдөггүй
- Зүрхний асуудал болон бусад ноцтой эмгэг байхгүй
- Ихэнх аялагчид оролцох боломжтой
Цуцлах бодлого
Төлбөрийг бүрэн буцаан авах бол манай Цуцлах бодлогыг уншина уу Энд дар. Аяллын тэр өдөр захиалгаа цуцалсан тохиолдолд мөнгөө алдах болно.