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Igralci lahko uživajo tudi v številnih enkratnih promocijah, s potencialom osvojitve brezplačnih počitnic, luksuznih predmetov in denarnih nagrad. Poleg bonusov spletno mesto ponuja tudi točke zvestobe, ki jih je mogoče zamenjati za bonus kredite. Lucky Nugget ponuja šest različnih stopenj zvestobe.

PREBERI VEČ Tainova pustolovščina Avantura čaka Poceni skupinski izleti in zasebni izleti Lahko se sprostite in uživate vso logistiko opravimo mi Sezona 2023 PREBERI VEČ Opazovanje kitov

Las Terrenas: ATV Samaná Adventures – ATV ogledi in izleti v Coffee Trail Cultural Tour


This experience in Atv starts in El LImon comunity.During the first part of the day, you will discover the “Ruta del Café” on quad and its beautiful and preserved nature. The first stop will be at  the Parada del café where Olivo and his family will show you the artisanal methods they use for coffee and cocoa. A tasting is planned, but only for the greediest !!!

On the way, you will also stop at the cigars factory and for lunch a Dominican meal in a typical Ranch. After the meal, you will continue the road to the wonderful beach of Morón with grass til the edge , its cristal and unspoilt waters where you will enjoy to swim Hiking and Swimming with safety equipment to have the best experience ever!!


Prosimo izberite datum izleta: 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=”” disable_break_words=”no” subtitle_tag=”” title=”ATV Samana Adventures – ATV Tours & Excursions in Coffee Trail Cultural Tour” subtitle=”Lunch Included at The Beach”]

ATV Samana Adventures – ATV Tours & Excursions in Coffee Trail Cultural Tour.


Get your Tickets for a half day Excursion in Samana on ATV Tours.

The ATV Coffee Trail Cultural Tour is the perfect blend of adrenaline, nature, and culture. Drive along the Ruta del Café, having fun on the dirt roads driving the ATV, while discovering Samana’s countryside and Dominican culture and way of life.

The tour will take you through country roads boarded by cacao and coffee fields, spectacular views over the Samana bay, and local farms. We’ll stop at a classic mountain farm, sharing some time with a family of farmers. You’ll be able to sample some of the products they produce and visit their farm, learning about organic farming and plants.


Vključitve in izključitve



  1. Atv 2 people in One.
  2. Lunch at Country side
  3. Vsi davki, pristojbine in manipulativni stroški
  4. Lokalni davki
  5. pijače
  6. Prigrizki
  7. Limon Waterfalls visit
  8. Vse dejavnosti
  9. Lokalni vodnik


  1. Napitnine
  2. transportation from Hotels ( Set by Contacting us).
  3. Alkoholne pijače


Odhod in povratek

Potnik bo dobil zbirališče po opravljenem postopku rezervacije. Ogledi se začnejo in končajo na naših zbirališčih.

Kaj pričakovati?

Getting your Atv started. You’ll witness the difference between Las Terrenas, a busy beach destination, and the countryside, with its clean air and slow-paced way of life.If you want, the farmers will show you how coffee or cacao is made, from the tree to your table. You can then sip on a cup of coffee or hot cocoa. Don’t worry, if you don’t speak Spanish, our local tour guide will translate everything for you. Next stop is a small beach on the Samana Bay where you can take a dip and cool off for a while. On the way, we’ll pass through many fields, farms, and viewpoints.

There, we can organize a picnic of fresh seafood or fish and local veggies and fruits.

Most of the trip is on dirt roads, it’s a lot of fun driving the ATV there, up and down, through bumps and holes. If you are not 100% comfortable driving an ATV or if speed is not your thing, don’t worry, you can either drive slow (more time to enjoy the view!) or you can ride with someone, most ATV can sit two people. Driving an ATV is pretty straightforward and even if it’s your first time you should get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Typically the tour lasts half a day but we can also plan a full-day tour, going deeper into the Samana mountains and lush jungle, exploring more remote beaches and villages on the way. On the way back, we can make a stop at El Limon Waterfall, only a 30-minute trek away from the main road.

Kaj morate prinesti?

  • Kamera
  • Odganjalni popki
  • Sončna krema
  • Klobuk
  • Udobne hlače
  • Pohodniški čevlji za gozd
  • Sandali za pomladna območja.
  • Kopalna oblačila


Prevzem v hotelu

Hotel pick-up is not offered for this tour. We set Pick up contacting us by Whatsapp.


Opomba: če rezervirate v 24 urah po času odhoda potovanja/izleta, lahko organiziramo hotelski prevzem z doplačilom. Ko bo vaš nakup opravljen, vam bomo poslali popolne kontaktne podatke (telefonsko številko, e-poštni naslov itd.) za našega lokalnega turističnega vodnika, ki bo organiziral prevzem.

Potrditev dodatnih informacij

  1. Vstopnice so potrdilo po plačilu tega izleta. Plačilo lahko prikažete na telefonu.
  2. Zbirno mesto bo prejeto po opravljenem postopku rezervacije.
  3. Otroci morajo biti v spremstvu odrasle osebe.
  4. Ni dostopno z invalidskim vozičkom
  5. Dojenčki morajo sedeti v naročju
  6. Ni priporočljivo za popotnike s težavami s hrbtom
  7. Ni priporočljivo za nosečnice
  8. Brez težav s srcem ali drugih resnih zdravstvenih težav
  9. Večina popotnikov lahko sodeluje

Politika odpovedi

Za celotno vračilo preberite naše pravilnike o odpovedih Klikni tukaj. Sredstva bodo izgubljena, če je rezervacija odpovedana isti dan potovanja.

Samana with Booking Adventures:

Kontaktiraj nas?

Booking Adventures

Domačini in Državljani Turistični vodniki in storitve za goste

Rezervacije: Ogledi in izleti v Dom. Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.


Zasebne izlete prek Whatsappa smo prilagodljivi: +18097206035.
