This Hiking Trail + Kayaking Tour starts from Juan Dolio with a Transfer from Hotels. After this we arrive to the park where we will hike for around 2 hours along the Humid Forest in the Los Haitises National Park. You will learn about the medicinal plants of this area, see the broadleaf forest primary and secondary Los Haitises National Park mountains and at the same time reach the spring of the Jivales River from which the waters of the natural pools of Eco-lodge Caño Hondo. Then we take the equipment required for your safety (Lifejackets, etc), kayaks, and going through mangrove swamps. You will see some bird-filled mangroves, rolling hills of lush vegetation. Through the mangroves and Land at the open San Lorenzo Bay, from where you can photograph the rugged forest landscape.
After this experience, you will get Back to Cano Hondo or Sabana de la mar drive back to Juan Dolio areas.
- Укључене накнаде
- Los Haitises National park Hiking Trip
- Водич пружа упутства и надзор
Укључивања и искључења
- Национални парк Лос Хаитисес
- Hike + Kayak
- Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
- Локални порези
- Пића
- Све активности
- Локални водич
- Трансфер
- Lunch with Locals
- Гратис
- Алкохолна пића
Полазак и повратак
The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finish at our meeting points.
Пешачење + кајак Национални парк Лос Хаитисес из Хуан Долија
Шта да очекујете?
The national park’s name comes from its original inhabitants, the Taino Indians. In their language “Haitises” translates to highlands or Hills, a reference to the coastline’s steep geological formations with Limestones. Kayaking it is 2 hours.
Learning about History and Nature with Locals tours guides that Grow up as Environmental protectors and Volunteers inside of this project area.The tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide.
After an initial walk through fields and farmlands, you will begin to walk by the Coconut and Cacao Forest. Getting every minute inside of the primary and unique to conserve forest area inside of Los Haitises National Park. Come with Booking Adventures and start checking some Endemics Birds, Mammals, and Plants species, rolling hills of lush vegetation, and caves of Национални парк Лос Хаитисес.
нИме националног парка потиче од његових првобитних становника, Таино Индијанаца. На њиховом језику „Хаитисес“ се преводи као висоравни или брда, референца на стрме геолошке формације обале са кречњацима. Упустите се дубље у парк да бисте истражили пећине као што су Цуева де ла Арена и Cueva de la Línea. You can match the boat tour with the Hiking trip. Just contact us.
Caves in the reserve were used as shelter by the Taino Indians and, later, by hiding pirates. Look for drawings by Indians that decorate some of the walls. In the Rain Forest, there are more than 700 hundred species of plants, we try to teach visitors about all medical plants that we know in this hiking trail.
Come to learn, Hike and enjoy the real nature of Los Haitises National Park.
Шта треба да понесете?
- Камера
- Репелентни пупољци
- Крема за сунчање
- Шешир
- Удобне панталоне
- Планинарске ципеле за шуму
- Сандале у области пролећа.
- Одјећа за купање
Хотел Пицкуп
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Потврда додатних информација
- Улазнице су признаница након плаћања ове турнеје. Можете приказати уплату на свом телефону.
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Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај средстава, прочитајте наше смернице за отказивање Кликните овде. Средства ће бити изгубљена ако се резервација откаже исти дан путовања.