matukio ya kuhifadhi

Chaguo Rahisi kwa wasafiri Soma zaidi Fungua Tiketi

Wachezaji wanaweza kufurahia zawadi nyingi kwenye kasino ya mtandaoni ya Lucky Nugget. Wanaweza kupokea bonasi za upakiaji upya, pointi za uaminifu na hata kushinda zawadi za pesa taslimu. Bonasi zingine zinazotolewa na kasino bora ya mtandaoni ya NZ ni pamoja na spins za bure, mashindano ya blackjack na upakiaji upya bonuses.

Wachezaji wanaweza pia kufurahia ofa nyingi za mara moja, wakiwa na uwezo wa kujishindia likizo bila malipo, vitu vya anasa na zawadi za pesa taslimu. Kando na mafao, tovuti pia inatoa pointi za uaminifu ambazo zinaweza kubadilishwa kwa mikopo ya bonasi. Kuna viwango sita tofauti vya uaminifu katika Lucky Nugget.

SOMA ZAIDI Tukio la Taino Adventure Inangoja Ziara za Vikundi za Gharama nafuu na Safari za Kibinafsi Unaweza kupumzika na kufurahiya Lojistiki zote zinafanywa na sisi Msimu wa 2023 SOMA ZAIDI Kuangalia Nyangumi

Samana: Kuangalia Ndege na Maporomoko ya Maji ya Limon


The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities.  During this experience we will get to oversee the Samana area.

Baada ya safari hii, tutakurudisha kwenye eneo la mkutano tulipoanzia.

Tafadhali kumbuka: Watoto (miezi 0 - 23) bure, Watoto (miaka 2 - 10)

Angalia siku zinazopatikana kwa safari hii:


Kuangalia Ndege Jamhuri ya Dominika

Samana: Kuangalia Ndege na Maporomoko ya Maji ya Limon

The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities. During this experience we will get to oversee the Samana area.


Samana: Kuangalia Ndege na Maporomoko ya Maji ya Limon

Quisqueya “Dominican Republic & Haiti” is an island  with a highly diverse avifauna of more than 300 species. In addition to 32 endemic bird species, the country hosts an impressive assemblage of permanent resident species, overwintering migrants, and other transient species that stop to rest and refuel enroute to more southerly wintering or northern breeding areas. The island of Hispaniola’s high level of endemism and its contribution to global biodiversity have earned it the highest ranking of biological importance in a worldwide assessment of bird protection priorities.  During this experience we will get to oversee the Samana area.

Samana Área  

The town of Santa Bárbara de Samaná, better known simply as Samaná, is the hub of activity in the beautiful Samaná Peninsula.  The Samaná Peninsula is full of palm-shaded white sand beaches, and offers a combination of busy tourist towns and “off the beaten path” isolated beaches.  But Samana also has places like El Valle, El limón and many more with a beautiful forest where we can see different species of birds that  includes petrels and shearwaters, Brown Booby, Brown Pelican, Snowy Egret, Little Blue Heron, Tricolored Heron, Reddish Egret and Osprey, Palmchat , Hispaniolan Woodpecker, Hispaniolan Parakeet, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo , Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, Hispaniolan Mango and many more.

Maporomoko ya maji ya El Limon 

El Limón waterfall is a National Park that takes you in an adventure of about 4 kilometers hiking down lush hilly terrain, while spotting flora and fauna along the way. Native plants grow abundantly here in the wild, like the royal palm tree, and pineapples. Birds are also ubiquitous, like the palmchat–the DR’s national bird–the Hispaniolan woodpecker, and the Broad-billed tody. 

Once at the falls, marvel at the beauty of El Limón’s tumbling cascade–dropping 40 meters (130 feet) from the top of Sierra de Samaná. Cool off from the journey in the freshwater emerald pool beneath the falls, and take in the surrounding wild, jungle landscape and gushing sounds of El Limón.

Nini cha Kutarajia?

Get your ticket for Searching For The  Samana: Bird Watching & Limon Waterfall, this experience will give you the opportunity to see most of the biodiversity of the island. 

This activity will start from your pick up from your accommodation in any of these areas:

  • Samana
  • Santo Domingo 
  • Punta Kana
  • La Romana 
  • Bayahibe 
  • Puerto Plata
  • Santiago 

If you are in any other area with can manage to pick you up, in case you are arriving directly to the airport with can do pick up in the following city airports:

  • Samana, El Catey 
  • Santo Domingo, Las Americas  
  • Punta Cana, Punta Cana Airport 
  • La Romana, La Romana Airport  
  • Puerto Plata, Gregorio Luperon 
  • Santiago, Aeropuerto Internacional del Cibao 

When you arrive we will settle you in your room and find you a place to eat dinner and go over your itinerary for the seven days, after dinner your guide will take you back to your place. At your place you will have AC, Wifi, Water Bottles in your room, Balcony, Kitchen and common area to work.


Overnight: Hotel in Samana  

 El Limon Waterfall and Samana Mangrove Area 

This morning will be spent exploring the Limon Waterfall  National Park searching for some of the  species we have in the area, in the afternoon we will drive to the coast to see seabirds.  Your guide will lead you through the lush forests, spotting birds, butterflies and blooms along the way!  Keep your eyes peeled to spot the endangered Antillean Piculet, the Hispaniolan Woodpecker and the Hispaniolan Emerald.

After lunch we will head to the coast to search for the  Brown Booby, Brown Pelican, Snowy Egret, Little Blue Heron, Tricolored Heron, Reddish Egret and Osprey and other species in the mangrove area of the Samana Peninsula.

Species of the area are: Palmchat , Hispaniolan Woodpecker, Hispaniolan Parakeet, Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo , Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, Hispaniolan Mango

For this day we take you back to your original location or drop you off at the airport on your scheduled flight.

Itinerary days and activities are subject to change without notice due to unforeseen circumstances or events. See full terms and conditions for more information.


  1. Kodi zote, ada na ada za kushughulikia
  2. Ushuru wa ndani
  3. Viongozi wa watalii wa Ikolojia Kiingereza/Kihispania
  4. Usafiri wa ndani 
  5. Chakula cha mchana 
  6. Kifungua kinywa
  7. Chajio
  8. Accommodation in Samana


  1. Zawadi
  2. Vinywaji vya Pombe

Kuchukua hoteli kunatolewa kwa ziara hii.

Kumbuka: ikiwa unahifadhi nafasi ndani ya saa 24 baada ya muda wa safari/safari ya kuondoka, tunaweza kupanga kuchukua hoteli kwa Gharama za ziada. Ununuzi wako ukikamilika, tutakutumia taarifa kamili ya mawasiliano (nambari ya simu, anwani ya barua pepe, n.k.) kwa Mwongozo wetu wa karibu wa Ziara ili kupanga mipango ya kuchukua.

Unapaswa kuleta nini?

  • Kamera
  • Vipuli vya kuzuia
  • Mafuta ya kukinga mionzi ya jua
  • Kofia
  • Suruali ya starehe (ndefu)
  • Shati ya mikono mirefu
  • Viatu vya Kutembea
  • Viatu kwa pwani
  • Kuogelea kuvaa
  • Pesa kwa zawadi

Uthibitishaji wa Maelezo ya Ziada

  • Tikiti ni Risiti baada ya kulipa Ziara hii. Unaweza kuonyesha malipo kwenye simu yako.
  • Sehemu ya Mkutano Itapokelewa Baada ya Mchakato wa Kuhifadhi Nafasi.
  • Watoto lazima waambatane na mtu mzima.
  • Watoto wachanga wanapaswa kukaa kwenye mapaja
  • Wasafiri wengi wanaweza kushiriki

Sera ya Kughairi

Ili kurejesha pesa kamili, tafadhali soma sera zetu za Kughairi Bonyeza hapa. Pesa zitapotea ikiwa uwekaji nafasi utaghairiwa siku hiyo hiyo ya safari.

Uzoefu wa Kipekee

Faida za Kuhifadhi Safari za Kibinafsi


Nufaika na Muda Unaobadilika kulingana na ratiba yako ya safari

Ratiba Iliyobinafsishwa

Mpango wa safari unaobadilika kulingana na mambo yanayokuvutia, mahitaji na bajeti yako

Wajuzi wa Mitaa wa Kibinafsi

Wataalam wa ndani walioidhinishwa na maarifa tele huzingatia mahitaji yako

Bei Nafuu

Ziara za kibinafsi zinaweza kupatikana kwa bei nzuri huku ukihakikisha ubora

Punguzo la Kikundi

Punguzo kwa vikundi 10+

Epuka Makundi Makubwa ya Watu

Ziara na Safari za Kutazama Nyangumi

Tunatoa hati maalum kwa vikundi vya ukubwa wowote, kuhakikisha ubora, kubadilika na umakini wa kibinafsi kwa kila undani.
Je, unatafuta hali ya asili iliyogeuzwa kukufaa bila umati wa mkutano wa familia yako, mshangao wa siku ya kuzaliwa, mapumziko ya shirika au hafla nyingine maalum? Je, wewe ni msafiri mwenye busara ambaye anapendelea chaguo la kuweka ajenda yako mwenyewe na mkataba maalum. Ikiwa ndio, basi tunaweza kukusaidia kubinafsisha matumizi yako. Lolote linawezekana!
Ikiwa ungependa kujua zaidi kuhusu ziara zozote zilizotajwa hapa chini au kushiriki baadhi ya mawazo na kubinafsisha yako binafsi, tafadhali wasiliana nasi leo kwa maelezo zaidi.

Wasiliana nasi?

Matukio ya Kuhifadhi Nafasi

Wenyeji na Raia Waelekezi wa Watalii na Huduma za Wageni

Uhifadhi: Ziara na Matembezi ndani ya Dom. Mwakilishi

📞 Simu/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.


Tunaweka Ziara za Kibinafsi kwa Kubadilika kwa Whatsapp: +18097206035.
